MIMO Studios launched an animated preschool series on YouTube called @HippoPark to prepare children for consuming content and games in the Metaverse.
Created in Unreal Game Engine, @HippoPark will feature episodes that range from 15 seconds to 90 seconds.
@HippoPark will launch in Web2 with “a goal of meeting kids where they are currently consuming content — and then preparing for their migration to consuming content and games in Web3.” Season 2 will be developed with Web3 extensions.
MIMO Studios is committed to making children and families feel comfortable navigating within the Metaverse through these guiding principles:
- Respect the community, especially kids
- Assume the audience is younger than they are
- Encourage kindness and empathy
- Inspire creativity
- Celebrate diversity, visible and invisible
- Make safety a priority (and teach it where we can)
Read the full story on Variety
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